How to improve air quality in your Kansas City home
The levels of air pollution are rising day by day, and the increasing level of outdoor air pollution is mainly caused by factors such as industrial exhaust gases, fossil fuel burning, vehicle emissions, and many other effectors and this is the reason that we want to stay indoors as much as possible. But you need to know that the air inside our home is not as clean and healthy as we think. The United States environmental protection agency says that indoor a can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. We spend approximately 90% of Earth time indoors, so it is very important to keep the air in our home as clean as possible.
A Healthy Climate® whole-home humidifier adds moisture to your home’s air and works with your heating system to circulate it to every room. That means you can stay warm and cozy without the problems associated with dry air, such as skin irritations and sore throats.
Indoor air pollution can be caused by different things such as asbestos, carbon monoxide emissions from gas stoves and Central heating systems, tobacco smoke, and it can also be caused by volatile organic compounds that are most commonly found in household items like air fresheners, paints, adhesives, pesticides, and disinfectants. Another important reason for indoor air pollution can be inadequate ventilation, and this causes the allergens and pollutants to get trapped. High temperature and humidity levels can also be the reason behind unclean air in our homes. If you are concerned about the air quality in your home and want to improve it, then this article contains a few guidelines for you
Keep your house clean
Cleaning your house is very important because good hygiene can reduce dust and animal dander also. The cleaning strategies you apply should mainly focus on reducing dust, mold, and animal dander. Always remember to vacuum carpet and rugs once or twice a week by using a vacuum cleaner. Prefer hard surfacing floor instead of wall to wall carpeting; this may also reduce the risk of allergens. Don’t forget to clean your bedding and drapes, especially if you have pets in your house
Clean AC filter
The air conditioning systems are the best weight to give your home the perfect temperature around the year. In addition to this, the air conditioning systems are also so helpful in filtering out some common air pollutants. A time comes when the air filters fill up and stop doing their job efficiently. This thing causes a lot of trouble for the indoor air quality, and it can be harmful to your AC. Repairing AC systems can be very costly. So it is very important to change the AC filters regularly, especially if you are living in an area with high levels of pollution
Check out the air ducts
The function of the air duct is to distribute the hot and cold air in your home so that you can stay comfortable in any room. In case the air ducts are not properly installed or maintained, then they can lead to the distribution of different contaminants from one room to another. As a result of this, there can be an accumulation of dust and dander in your ducts, and as a result, the air quality can be compromised. So it is important to seek professional help to check out the air ducts
Get an air purifier
If you or your family members are allergic to indoor allergens and also cannot figure out the source of allergens, then using an air purifier can help you in this case. An air purifier is a device placed in the most commonly used areas of the house, and it can help to capture some irritants that may aggravate your allergy symptoms. It is not impossible to remove the allergen completely, but they can be reduced, and it can be very helpful. If you are thinking about the basement of your home, then also considered a dehumidifier in damp areas.
Get some plants for your home
Plants are considered natural air filters or air purifiers. If you want to improve the quality of air in your home, then you should buy a few indoor plants, and they will play an important role in improving the air quality in your home. In addition to this, they will also enhance your home decor. If you are looking for and the best options to pull contaminants out of the air, then plants like ferns and lilies, and large palm trees can help you in this case
Don’t smoke in your home
And the most important cause of indoor air pollution is cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke has more than 4000 chemicals in it, which are known as carcinogens. So secondhand cigarette smoke exposes people, especially kids, to develop different kinds of respiratory infections such as asthma, cancer, breathing problems, and heart problems also. Making your home a smoke-free zone is very important, and it is good for you and your family also. This will help to reduce a major proportion of indoor air pollution in your home
Maintain a healthy level of humidity
It is very important to maintain a healthy level of humidity in your home. A high level of humidity will invite the growth of mold. Dust mites and molds need a humid environmental condition for their growth. So if you keep the humidity at your home around 30 or 40 percent, then it would help a lot in keeping away different kinds of allergens, and this will also help you to prevent the growth and accumulation of different organisms such as mold. In this case, a humidifier can help you to reduce the excess moisture in your home and can effectively control different kinds of allergens. It can also help you to reduce the indoor pollen account, which is a major cause of allergy in different regions. You can also maintain a normal humidity level by using an exhaust fan while cooking or running the dishwasher. Make sure to dry your clothes outdoors and fix the leaking areas in your home to prevent mold growth
Allow fresh air to enter your home
Fresh air is very important for good health and even in cold months don’t forget to open windows from time to time to allow fresh air to enter and move in your house. This helps a lot to remove the potential air contaminants from different areas of your house.
admin September 1st, 2021
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Best Heating and Cooling Options for a Finished Basement in Kansas City
Many homes in the US are fitted with basements, but oftentimes, these are just left unfinished and used for storage. If you have a finished basement, this is a great way to expand the space in your home and have another area for you and your family to spend time in. However, you’ll want to consider the best heating and cooling options for your finished basement to offer your family a comfortable experience in the room. Keep reading as we share some of the top options to keep your basement at an optimum temperature all year round.
Portable Air Conditioners and Heaters
Portable heaters and air conditioners are a good temporary option for your basement but won’t necessarily be the best long-term solution. They are ideal for smaller basements, but if your space is particularly large, you’ll need multiple units to make a difference in the temperature. A portable air conditioner is usually more effective than a heater and will work well in spaces of under about 400 square feet. Make sure you have a drain to connect the condensate line. If you have a larger space, you may need to have a couple of air conditioners, and humid basements will also benefit from a dehumidifier as well.
Extend Your Home’s Current System
One consideration is extending your home’s current heating or cooling system, which is well worth considering if you are planning to spend a lot of time in your finished basement. An HVAC technician can come and inspect your current system to see if adding your basement on would be a possibility for your home. This work will be quite expensive, but it is an option that we would recommend if you are planning to use this room every day.
A Ductless Mini-Split System
One of the best ways to heat or cool down your basement is by installing a ductless mini-split system. This is a quick and easy solution to install, and it can heat and cool your whole basement regardless of its size. It is also very energy efficient, and you’ll only have to use it when the room is occupied if you prefer. No ductwork is required to install this option, making it one of the most popular choices for homeowners with a finished basement.
Radiant Heating Panels
If heating is the biggest concern for your basement, consider radiant heating panels. This would be an ideal option for anyone living in the north, where you may find heating is more of a concern than cooling down your basement. They can be switched on and off as needed, so in the summer, you won’t need to use them when the outside temperatures are higher. In addition, they work very quickly and efficiently to heat up your basement, as they are made with fast-responding electrical resistance coils. Heating up a basement is often far more challenging than cooling it down, so this is a good option to consider in colder climates.
Radiant Floor Heat
Another option for homeowners that are particularly concerned about heating up the basement is radiant floor heat. Flooring people can install electrical heating cable under tile floors during installation that is very nice for heating. These aren’t too difficult to install and will be a relatively affordable option in comparison to some of the other solutions on the market. If you are opting for something like this, you’ll likely want to invest in portable air conditioners in the summer months when you have a period of higher temperatures and need to cool your basement down.
As you can see, there are many great options when it comes to cooling and heating your finished basement. While all of these solutions have different costs and levels of work involved, depending on how much you are planning to use your basement, they’ll be an option here that will work for your home. A basement is an excellent extra space for families, and it’s well worth making this area of your home comfortable so you can enjoy the benefits of having an additional room to spend time in.
admin August 4th, 2021
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Top 5 Must-Know HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Pets are adorable creatures. They not only bring us comfort and fits of laughter but they also provide us with companionship. Instead of their loving nature, they could add a little stress to your life by contributing to certain problems with your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.
That’s why as a pet owner, you must take some steps to ensure the safety of HVAC systems. In this article, we are going to share with you some practical tips to enhance the lifespan of your HVAC systems without compromising your love for your pets.
Protect HVAC’s Outdoor Units
HVAC’s outdoor units play a vital role in maintaining the healthy indoor quality of air as other units. But at the same time, they are more exposed to pets as compared to other units. So, you neither want your pets to consider these units as their bathroom nor you want these units to prove hazardous for your pets. Therefore, you can cover them differently to serve the purpose;
You can cover these units by installing a solid fence around the units. This way, they will remain safe from pets as well as kids. But you need to make sure that the fence must be installed 3 feet away from units as they need proper ventilation to ensure a steady flow.
If your backyard looks like a garden full of nature, you can cover these units with greenery. But one thing to keep in mind is plants shed leaves, flowers, and other debris that could clog these units. So there must be appropriate distance as well as pruning of surrounding plants to ensure the safety of these units.
Keep Carpets Vacuumed
If you have pets in your home, you may find hair and shedding fur on your carpets occasionally. This fur can get into the filters and then air ducts of your HVAC system. This way not only your systems work stressed but the quality of air is also compromised.
So, it is recommended to keep your carpets and other indoor things like couches, etc. vacuumed. In this way, you will keep your HVAC system clean from fur, dander, and hair that will increase its lifespan.
Invest in Pets Grooming
Grooming not only makes your pets look better and smell better but also proves to be less stressful on your HVAC system. Groomed pets have no dead skin dander and shedding fur. On the other hand, pets who are not groomed tend to shed fur and dander which clogs the filters and air ducts of the HVAC system, ultimately affecting the efficiency and the quality of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning of your home.
That’s why getting your pets grooming occasionally is a pro tip to enhance the life span of your HVAC system
Change HVAC Filters
As the name suggests, the filter acts as a wall between the external environment and the HVAC system. They filter out dust particles along with pollens that cause allergies to improve the indoor quality of air. That’s why these filters need to be changed regularly and it depends on different factors like the type of filters, the extent of usage, presence of pets, etc.
The presence of pets in a home can clog filters faster due to shedding fur and pets’ dander. That’s why it is recommended to change filters on regular basis. Keeping this HVAC tips in practice will not only have ease on the system efficiency and utility bills but it will also maintain the comfort level of your home by proper airflow.
Keep Air Ducts Cleaned
Air ducts are considered to be arteries for HVAC systems. When arteries are clean, blood is transferred to every organ correctly and in this way, all organs remain healthy. In the same way, when air ducts of an HVAC system are cleaned then clean, healthy, and fresh air circulates through the house and keeps that house cool or heated depending on how it is set.
In the presence of pets, filters can get clogged due to fur shedding and dander, the same way air ducts can also get clogged. When air ducts are clogged with pet fur and other dust particles, the HVAC system works harder than usual resulting in shut down after some time. On the other hand, when air contaminated with pet’s fur circulates through house, it can cause allergic reactions if any member in your home is allergic to pet’s fur and hair and can cause sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing etc.
To cope with all these issues, it is recommended to clean air ducts every 3 years to ensure that your HVAC system works efficiently and smoothly.
Bottom Line
To minimize the stress as a pet owner, talk to professionals in this industry for HVAC maintenance so that you can live a peaceful and healthy life with your furry friends in an indoor environment full of fresh and healthy air.
admin July 1st, 2021
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“When temperatures begin to rise across the region, air conditioners are pushed to their limits, and they do break down and require maintenance.”
Nothing matches the pleasure of relaxing indoors on a hot day with the comfort of your favorite air conditioner throughout the summer. However, it is natural that it tends to offend at times. This occurs because, like all electronic components, air conditioning systems fail due to use and a lack of maintenance and repairs.
On a really hot day, the worst circumstance is experiencing the warm air flowing out of the AC. So, it is important to identify the underlying cause of the problem.
There are numerous causes for a central air conditioner producing warm air; some are minor, while others are far more serious. Let’s look at the five most common reasons why your AC is blowing hot air.
The Thermostat Was On Heat
Yes, it sounds strange, but it is one of the most common causes of heated air from your HVAC system. Typically, we switch off our unit after the winter season and neglect to change the thermostat for the summer. We even accidentally flip the switch of our HVAC system from cool to heated. So, if your system is blowing warm air, recheck the thermostat before calling an air conditioning technician.
Dirty Working Conditions
If you’ve already checked your thermostat, it may be time to clean. A well-maintained and well-cared-for air conditioning unit has a better chance of operating efficiently. A dirty condenser unit or an air filter could be the source of the problem. To provide cool refreshing air, the AC needs a clean route. If there is dirt or debris in the path, the cool air is prevented in its tracks. If the current air filter is unclean, replace it with a new, clean filter to see if the warm air problem goes away.
Condensation in your air conditioner must evaporate. However, to combat the burning heat, some people turn on their conditioning units to the maximum. But if the temperature of your air conditioner falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, condensation forms and freezes. You can avoid this by having your thermostat set at 75 degrees Fahrenheit which is an indoor design.
Turning off your unit for an hour or two will enable it to unfreeze.
Refrigerant leakage
If your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant, it is more likely to blow out hot air. A refrigerant leak is a common issue that can affect your unit with prolonged use.
Leakage of refrigerants can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common are heavy usage and a lack of care. As a result, the high load induces component wear and tear and, ultimately, refrigerant leakage. If this is the case, the best approach is to contact your air conditioning firm for a repair.
The breaker switch has blown
The outdoor unit of your HVAC system is normally powered by a separate source than the indoor one. Because of a faulty breaker, your outdoor unit’s on/off switch may occasionally trip.
Check the breaker and turn it back on if you find your system blowing warm air. If this happens again, you should contact your air conditioner firm since there could be a problem with the system.
admin June 1st, 2021
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How Optimizing Your HVAC System Can PREVENT ALLERGIES!

“We all accept that allergies can cause a lot of discomfort and irritation.”
Wearing a mask will also help protect you from allergens like pollen and ragweed, but there are measures you can help to prevent yourself from allergies at home. Also, your HVAC system can be able to assist you in avoiding allergens or alleviating allergy symptoms in your home. Check out these five methods to use your HVAC system to reduce allergies in your home this season!
Check out these five methods to use your HVAC system to reduce allergies in your home this season!
Air filters are the most effective way to enhance the quality of air in your home. It is important to ensure that your air filters are of good quality if you want to avoid having a bad quality of air. High-quality filters are capable of removing and capturing the small particles that cause indoor allergies. You can enhance your air quality and thus avoid some seasonal allergies by investing a little extra money.
Ideally, the air ducts will be helping in the removal of allergens such as pollen, dust, mold, and mildew from the air. However, if your ducts haven’t been cleaned and treated properly in a while, they won’t be able to work properly, and allergens can begin to accumulate. When allergens enter the air ducts, they are released through the vents and into the air you breathe. In most situations, you won’t notice it. Mold, too, tends to hide until the situation has become out of control.
- Control humidity
Cleaning your air ducts and installing a properly sized HVAC system will help you control humidity in your house. When the humidity level in your home becomes too high or too low, it can irritate and heighten allergies. Since this is a common problem, many HVAC systems have a dehumidification process. If yours does not, purchasing a dehumidifier can help to reduce allergens in your house.
- FREQUENTLY Replace the filters
Filters capture almost anything that passes through them. By changing your air filters regularly, you can significantly minimize the likelihood of indoor allergens moving around in your air. Air filters should be changed every three months, but families with allergy issues may need to change them earlier if you have pets in your house; once every two months is possibly a good interval to prevent dander and dust.
Many people visit their doctor for an annual checkup to remain healthy. It enables them to detect medical problems before they become a major issue or to leave with comfort knowing they are well. The same must be applied to your HVAC unit.
Keeping track of your HVAC system is a massive preventive measure that will maintain the lifespan of the parts and keep you warm or cold at any time during the year. Regular maintenance appointments will also help resolve issues within your HVAC system before they become expensive major issues.
Use these simple cleaning and maintenance strategies to see if they help with any of your problems. Even if they do not solve all allergy concerns, they will allow your HVAC system to breathe and enhance the air quality in your house regularly.
admin May 3rd, 2021
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“It can be tricky to keep a home comfortable in the summer. That is why, particularly during the hot summer months, it is vital to know strategies to cut cooling costs.”
During the summer, you would like to keep your home cool. However, realizing that you are paying more for cooling than your neighbor can be irritating. Learn how to use some ideas to reduce cooling costs in your house and reduce your monthly electricity bill.
These tricks will not only lead to significant savings on cooling but will also help you save energy!
Bright sunlight entering your home will raise the temperature inside to an uncomfortably high level. Blocking daytime sunshine is one of the easiest ways to keep your house cool while using less energy.
Once the sun is at its hottest, you must close your windows or blinds. Consider cultivating shade trees outside big windows as a long-term solution. Trees increase the value and beauty of your property while also reducing your house cooling costs in the long run.
Fans do not decrease the temperature of a room. They do, however, make the air appear cooler. They can help keep your home cool using a wind chill factor. You don’t need to run ceiling fans if nobody is home since they don’t lower the temperature. This is a waste of electricity.
If nobody is home, it is not essential to use ceiling fans because it has no impact on the real temperature of the room.
When the temperature outside is higher than the temperature inside your home, avoid activities that produce a lot of heat, such as cooking on the gas stove or using the dishwasher and clothes dryer. Instead, try microwaving or grilling food outside, hand-washing dishes and making them air dry, and hanging clothes on a rope. Generally, avoidance will save you money on electricity—as well as the cost of making that AC work overtime.
Maintaining your air conditioner regularly will help it operate at peak performance. Washing or changing the air filter with time, moving any furniture or drapes that are blocking your ventilation duct, and making space around the outdoor compressor unit are all examples of simple DIY maintenance.
Schedule a regular HVAC maintenance visit to keep your air conditioner in good working order. A specialist can service parts that you are unable to reach and can assist you in avoiding expensive system breakdowns.
There are many other ways of reducing cooling costs in your home, but these are likely the most efficient using your existing HVAC system. Use these cooling cost-cutting techniques to stay more relaxed in your house during the hot summer months. What do you and your siblings do to keep cool during the summer? What steps do you take to cut cooling costs? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!
admin April 1st, 2021
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How to Prepare Your HVAC for Stormy Weather?

“Preparing the HVAC system for storms helps reduce the chances of damage while maintaining indoor air quality to keep family members comfortable indoors.”
Storms do not just bring wind and rain. They also produce power failures that can leave you without the relaxation of your air conditioning and other electronic gadgets. Storm damage to your HVAC system can produce long-term difficulties, so it’s important to prevent them immediately.
To save your pockets, here are a few tips about how to begin preparing by keeping your HVAC system secure from poor weather destruction.
- Install a surge Protector
Lightning during a storm can be devastating for the HVAC unit or any electronic gadget. Contact your local power company for options. Since the strength of these strikes is unexpected, you must suspect that any surge might be the one that knocks out your circuits. Once you’ve installed a surge protector, it’s going to take a hit, so your AC does not really! Protect your investment and your convenience by installing a surge protector.
- Turn off the system
Many people do not even think of taking this safety measure during the storm season, but turning off the HVAC before the storm is a key to preventing any damage or harm to your unit.
The surge protector will surely help in the case of lightning strikes, but it is not 100% reliable to minimize potential damage. Switch off your HVAC system and disconnect all your appliances and electronic devices to make it even secure.
Regular HVAC inspections could save you money and discomfort in several ways, and they can also better prepare your system for devastating storms. If anything is wrong with your unit, even mild storms could make the situation miserable. An inspection will catch up early and ultimately make your unit operate as effectively as possible. Obtaining an inspection will provide you the explanations that if your system is ready to deal with stormy weather.
- Shielding outdoor equipment
Whenever the wind is blowing, and the rain is swirling, it’s very normal for equipment and machines to be thrown around, so please ensure you safeguard anything that isn’t fixed to the ground or try to find room for tables, chairs, or umbrellas in a storage shed. Flying particles can cause damage to AC units. There’s really nothing you can do about tree branches or things that come flying over your wall from other people’s gardens, but fitting a barrier can help protect your unit.
- Keep a backup generator in place
Power failures can create massive chaos in your daily activities, especially if extreme storms cause it to run out for a longer time. Keep a backup generator in your home to lessen the effects of power failure.
There are a few options for generators. The first is a portable generator that will give you sufficient power for your home’s important things. And there are permanent generators which provide sufficient power to back up your whole house.
With both options, it is essential to keep the generator away from the confined spaces.
In order to prepare your HVAC systems for any severe storm, please ensure to prepare your household with all the essential living necessities to keep you and your family members safe and secure, such as gallons of clean drinking water, medical kits, wipes, and flashlights.
admin March 15th, 2021
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5 Tips For Preparing Your HVAC For A Snowstorm
Weather is unpredictable, especially in the winter. When snow’s on the way, you can never be sure if it’ll be a drizzle or a full-blown snowstorm. Either way, preparing for the worst-case scenario when it comes to your home’s heating is best.
Everyone knows proper maintenance is vital to prolonging the life of any machine, and your home’s HVAC is no exception.
So, it’s worth performing some preventative steps to help it survive even the most ferocious snowstorm and keep your surroundings warm!
Take a look below to find out how to keep your HVAC in top working condition to save yourself any freezing days or costly repairs.
Perform regular check-ups
While it’s worth taking a look at your HVAC yourself, there are faults that only a professional will be able to see – and fix properly, for that matter. So, it might be best to hire a professional now rather than spending large amounts on repairs later.
Before the maintenance professional arrives, it’s best to check for any tell-tale signs of potential issues. This includes but is not limited to unusual odors, abnormal noises, and leaks in the ductwork. You can optimize your technician’s time spent on your HVAC if you point him in the right direction.
Inspect and reinforce insulation
When it’s frigid outside, your HVAC has to work that bit harder to keep your home. To avoid any undue strain, it’s best to ease any unnecessary pressure on its engine. Check for any drafts, cracked open windows, or failing doorframes that might be letting the cold slip in.
It’s also well worth checking your attic’s insulations for any weak spots. Once you’ve pinpointed the compromised areas of your home, you can get to work covering them up.
Keep vents clear
During winter or cold periods, your HVAC is working on overdrive. Due to this uptick in activity, vents start to clog up faster and can easily become blocked. Moreover, we tend to forget about our home’s vents and could easily have thrown a jumper or rug over the top of it.
These obstructions can limit airflow, which makes it difficult to reach the desired temperature. So, when the weather is at its worst, you should make sure that all your vents are uncovered, clear, and well able to breathe.
Have extra filters on-hand
When the snow starts to fall, you should already have your HVAC’s filters changed with another few at the ready. Naturally, as your HVAC kicks into action, its filter will start to fill up faster. So, you’ll want to have a brand new one in place that’s ready to take on the storm.
Clear your heat pumps
The heat pump is an often-neglected component of the HVAC despite its central role in its proper functioning. The heat pump is tasked with heat transfer, meaning without it, your home will simply not warm up.
However, when the heat is transferred effectively, the furnace can blow warm air into your house’s interior, making for a cozy environment. Under heavy snow, heat pumps can become blocked and start to malfunction. To prevent this from happening, be sure to remove any debris from the heat pump before the snowstorm hits.
It’s also good practice to shovel away any impacted or thick layers of snow if they build up during heavy snowfall.
And there you have it. Keeping your HVAC in working order doesn’t have to mean forking out cash or needless stress. Keeping an eye on how it’s performing and regularly carrying out the steps mentioned above should help you and your HVAC weather any storm.
admin January 5th, 2021
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4 Things to Look for in an HVAC Contractor in 2021
Your home is your castle. And you want to make sure that your home is as comfortable as it can be, which means finding the right HVAC system and the right HVAC contractor. There are plenty out there who are looking for your business, so how do you find the right one?
Below we will look at five things that you can use to help you find the right HVAC contractor for you.
Licensing & Experience
Your home’s HVAC system is probably it’s most expensive piece of equipment. When you choose a company to service it, you want to make sure the employee has the right training. Depending on where you live, the requirements for a license will be different. Check out the requirements in your area and make sure that any company you choose has that.
You also want to make sure that the contractor you choose has experience. Even though having many years of experience isn’t going to guarantee they’ll do the job right, the fact they’re stable shows they’re doing the job right.
You also want to ask if they carry the top brands. You also want to know the training that the technicians have with the brands, since each manufacturer/system’s unique.
Home Evaluation
When you are looking for someone to install your HVAC, any contractor you choose should offer to evaluate your home. This will help with determining the best solution for you. Below are the factors to consider:
- Square footage
- Insulation’s R-value
- The number of windows & the way the windows face
A contractor also should inspect your duct system for loose segments, insulation, and leaks. Your new system’s sizing shouldn’t be done based on just your square footage. They should feed calculations into software from the industry.
After the evaluation’s done, your contractor should give an itemized estimate in writing so that you’re able to compare energy efficiency, costs, and warranties among your proposals. You shouldn’t just go for the lowest price.
References & Referrals
You should always ask for referrals and references and get in touch with them. Ask the following things:
- Were jobs done on time?
- Were jobs done within budget?
- Did they perform clean installations?
- Did they respect property?
- Was the system tested after installation to make sure it was as efficient as possible?
When you’re looking for referrals, ask co-workers, neighbors, and friends. They are likely to be the best people to ask and give you the most honest answers.
This is very important. When you are looking to upgrade your system, you’ll want to find the one that’s most efficient in your budget. Ask your contractor about models that are rated Energy Star. This is the program from the government that measures how efficient a system is.
Yes, there’s a good chance that you will spend more money on a more efficient system. However, since you will spend less money each month keeping your home comfortable, whether it’s in the winter or the summer, everything balances out, and you may find that you’re seeing the money back in savings. An efficient system is also going to last longer than one that isn’t efficient since it won’t have to work as hard, so that’s also something to consider.
When you are looking for the right person to put in your heating and cooling system, these are the things to consider. Although the one that is the cheapest may look like it’s the choice for you, the truth is that you may end u paying more down the road. Yes, you may pay more upfront. But you also have better peace of mind with the more expensive one.
Knowing that you have found an HVAC contractor on whom you can count is worth its weight in gold. Because when you are shivering because your heater stopped working or boiling because your AC is on the fritz, you want to be able to call your contractor and have them say, “I’m on my way!”
admin December 10th, 2020
Posted In: Uncategorized
6 Benefits of a Whole Home Lennox humidifier
The cold weather is coming, and it may even be here for parts of the country. If you are already running your heater to keep you and your family warm, chances are that you are noticing how dry your air inside your home is. That’s why a lot of people invest in a whole home Lennox humidifier. If you don’t already have a humidifier in your home, you may think that it’s best to just deal with the dry air because it can be expensive. However, there are plenty of reasons why it’s a good idea to have a whole home Lennox humidifier.
Can Help Snoring Prevention
A lot of people breath through their mouths, and this can make your mouth dry and cause snoring. But if you use a humidifier, this will add some moisture to your air. This will create a better scenario which can help with soothing the tissue in your throat. This will help you with sleeping more comfortably and may even cut down on snoring. In addition, when you run the humidifier during the day, it can help keep your throat moist and prevent irritation that often is associated with having a snoring problem. Not only that, but you can get much better sleep!
Dry Skin Prevention
Because most of your body’s made up of water, the dry conditions could pull the moisture out and cause chapped lips, bloodshot eyes and dry skin. Since you’re running your heater, there is a lot of dryness in the air. Having a humidifier running in your house can put moisture back into the air and prevent your skin from becoming dried out. The extra moisture that’s in your home’s air may help with improving your itchy or dry skin, chapped or peeling lips and irritated, dry eyes.
Your Home May Feel Warmer
When it’s summertime, when do you feel worse? When it’s humid and hot out, right? The same thing goes for when you have a humidifier. There’s going to be more water in your air, which means that sweat will evaporate much more slowly so that you feel warmer. If you add a humidifier to your home, you may find that
you aren’t spending as much money on heating since you can turn down your thermostat.
Allergies May be Less
The humidifiers that are out on the market today may help with alleviating the problems associated with allergies. Even though humidifiers in the past might have gone overboard with the humidity, which often would spread things like dust mites, the newer models have lower levels which aren’t going to create environments that the unwelcome guests like. People with allergies often find that they’re more comfortable with extra humidity since it helps with soothing the tissue in their nasal passages and throat.
Helps to Prevent Static
Something that you often discover during the winter months is that there is a lot more static electricity. This is often annoying when it comes to doing your laundry or dealing with flyaway frizzy hair. Not only that, but a buildup of static can cause damage to sensitive electronics, along with creating sparks which could cause even more problems. Air that is properly humidified can limit and even prevent the majority of the problems that static can cause.
Prevents the Damage to Your Wood
Did you know that dry air might damage your wooden furniture? It’s true. It can dry it out so that it may crack. It can also loosen the joints in your wooden floor. Doors that are made of wooed often change in their size, which can make them hard to close and open. The arms and legs on wooden chairs might start wobbling as their joints begin to loosen. The reason for this is because wood will need a constant amount of moisture so that it can be at its very best. When you use a humidifier the right way, it can ensure that your home’s wooden features and your furniture will be at their best.
As you can see, there are at least 6 good reasons to choose a whole home Lennox humidifier. Over time, the humidifier might even pay for itself with the money that you are going to save with not having to keep your thermostat as high as you are right now. A humidifier can make a huge difference for you and your family, and it may make the cold weather months a lot more bearable.
admin November 2nd, 2020
Posted In: Uncategorized